New to you or old, Beale Street never fails to get under your skin – in a good way. It’s electrifying, smart, weathered, and steady – like a relative you only just found out about – that grand-uncle you don’t really know but find yourself wanting to connect to. Beale Street has a scent. A rhythm. A language. It’s an attraction and a home-base all at once. It’s WEIRD and awesome and totally relatable. It makes no sense and all of the sense in one fell swoop. Beale Street IS Memphis. It’s Memphis’ Royal Court where beggars can be kings and kings can be beggars. It’s rock, it’s roll, it’s grit and grind. It’s our living room.
And on any great or random occasion, it looks like this:

So, ya know. Go there. There are too many reasons why you should. Starting, and clearly not ending, with the food.
For all Beale Street things, go here.
All photos were taken by Carla McDonald.
These words were made by Courtney Oliver.
For thoughts and suggestions, please go here and we will listen and respond graciously!