Home – Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

While we’ve also been out organically finding Memphis this summer, Carla and I specifically sought out 10 alleyways we loved, that we thought were souly Memphis, and that we thought were different from each other.  Then we reached out to 10 people we loved, that we knew loved Memphis, and that we thought were different from each other.  Then we paired those people with the alleys we had chosen, with very little thought in mind of who “belonged” in what alley.  We told them to wear what they wanted to, sometimes with suggestions of what colors we thought might look good on them on any given day – not knowing what the sky would look like or even some of the colors in that alley in general.  We didn’t push much in terms of design. The series was simply meant to give us both the experience of working with human beings in, for our purposes, fairly generic (yet still interesting) settings.

Of course everyone’s feelings about art – AND people – are subjective.  But for some reason, these 10 particular photos pulled at our hearts – for countless different reasons we can’t necessarily explain.   So here it is.  Our first-ever photo series.


Claire Kolheim. “I love the people of Memphis. Memphis has some of the most passionate people on the planet. Whether religion, politics, the arts, food, or the Grizzlies, I’ve learned that when Memphians love something, they LOVE that thing from the core of their hearts. I just love that!!!”
Julia Masotti. “In our line of work, we move around a lot, and I’ve already lived several different places. But Memphis will always be a home away from home to me. Such a funky, special city filled with funky, special people.”
Eric Tate. “I love that in Memphis almost everyone has another gig. They used to be called dreams, but slowly it’s just become that everyone has another gig. Your bartender is also an actor, your driver is also a painter, your CEO is really a golfer. It’s not good enough to live here and only claim one love or one passion.”
Carly Crawford. What comes to mind when I think of loving Memphis is “‘…I submit that up to now we have not done too badly here for a ‘decadent river town.’ … I would like to reply to our Memphis critic, ‘Some river, some town.’ – Judge Battle’ – I will have part of that tattooed on my body one day.”
Morgan Howard. “Memphis is home. Memphis is family. Memphis is love. It is the soul and the music that drives me. Memphis has made me the artist that I am and it has taught me of the person I want to become. Memphis will always run in my veins and I know that I am the luckiest because of it.”
Jarrad Baker. “Memphis knows me, Memphis shows me, how this life just has to be.” – from the song “Memphis Lives in Me” from the musical Memphis.
Noby Edwards. “I love that Memphis is a city that is open to the young, and those with the desire to learn. I’ve gotten more chances here in Memphis than I would have anywhere else in the country.”
Jared Graham. “It’s a dirty old city; there’s no place quite like it. It’s full of sweat and soul and rhythm and anyone who’s ever been here takes a little of that with them. If you listen, it’ll move you and change you and suddenly, you’ll feel at home.”
Curtis C. Jackson. “What I love about Memphis is the people and the love that they share with all and how they open wide to receive your love. How it is okay to be…You! The Celebration of talent and creating Greatness. How it adds to my feelings of comfort, support, and lets me know…this is home too!”
Liz Sharpe. “I love Memphis because every inch of it is my home. Every person and every thing feels like home.”